Saturday, January 9, 2010

Portable Digital Tv Dvd Player What Would Be A Good Chistmas Gift For A Twelve Year Old Girl?

What would be a good chistmas gift for a twelve year old girl? - portable digital tv dvd player

I do not want anything too expensive, but I want something electronically.
I already have:
Digital Cameras
Portable DVD Player
and more ...
I do not want my parents to spend too much money, but I want something electronically.
Suggestions would be great, thanks!


Lucinda S said...

The favorite store gift card in the mall?

dancelov... said...

I am 13 years and this year I have some juicy material or design as head coach. I know you wish things were not electronically, but I want the new iPod nano.

lolololo... said...

Nintendo Wii!

alexis said...

You should read the twilight place.

or a DS or something.
or a video game.

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