I'm a afro/Brazilian why did people take pictures of me in Japan? - pictures of a brazilian waxblogspot
I ran through the streets of Japan for a week, busy work, and about 30 people on me and started to look at my picture and me weird, I felt a celebrity or something .. Girls mostly talked and smiled at me?
must have thought they were famous, what I say? Have you asked to sign anything? You must always special to me, there never in the
Because the Japanese are interested do not see that many foreigners are many, and the foreigners in a good way and how to take pictures of strangers. The main thing is that a compliment was given to you.
Moreover, like Japan, I would like to visit there?
do so because they are not used on people like U and how they are very friendly.
Wow, you're human beings, in spite of excitement in a foreign country, you want to hear how people learn about it online lol after return.
yow, the son of the soil.
Roll With It Son. get dat pussy.
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