Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ativan And Playing Sports Management Techniques/Advice Regarding Anxiety?

Management techniques/Advice regarding anxiety? - ativan and playing sports

I am 19 years old and had been diagnosed with anxiety. I used to see someone and have a prescription for Ativan. But my doctor has stopped practicing in my state, so have anyone to go there now. I did not have many problems with it until this year.

DIII hockey game this year and has a tremendous struggle for me. I am the guardian of this year, but every time I click on the practice, I feel so anxious that I started to think about quitting. My coach pushes me to start the game, since the first year guard is not ready to go, and I am his number one goalkeeper. But whenever I am sad, I feel as though it were a lump in my throat and I could vomit when I move. And I almost, when I was trying to promote. I hyperventilate and my hands gand tingling. The time, the goal is pure torture.

I do not want to leave the team because they rely on me, but can also not comfortable with the practice. I stopped again and that the practice left to settle for a few minutes to try to. The new functionality in practice, it makes me nervous.

Go see a doctor at school difficult, but we have a center here. The Ativan seems to have no effect and I'm not the sport I loved it last year to enjoy.

Any idea, help me? I have to go boldly to another practice in an hour or so ... Biology'm so important for my schedule is completely packed.

1 comment:

BlueSkie... said...

Mentioned, you can try a technique, EFT incredibly
(short for Emotional Freedom Techniques) This self-help
Process often eliminate the anxiety and emotional tension
to alleviate all kinds, and many physical ailments.
It is quite amazing, and I use it all the time.

The inventor, Gary Craig, of a great website:


Go see it now.
To find video clips of EFT in action, see the left side of the homepage. Scroll down and click FREE PICS, as the EFT resources.

You can also learn exactly how to EFT by downloading not
a free 80 page EFT Manual emofree website.
More than one million people have to be downloaded.

EFT is a deceptively simplebut effective. Watch
Gary does what in the videos, so
same, but you replace your own problem
and his own words.

Another professional to see is:
"Robert Smith - Faster EFT" posts
his videos on youtube.com - see the links I've listed below.

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